I'm The Boss!! I found this awesome cover from a TIME magazine. I don't really read magazines, but this one was cool! I got to put myself in the picture.
Me!!! Once again.... I took this picture off the web and pasted my face to it. You can probably find me in the poster, but who's face am I covering up?
This is CandyLand2. Of course you can create your own, but I chose this version. JellyBean sky, Chocolate ground, IceCream trees, and best of all TheCakeHouse.
This is my hybrid creature. It is a mix of animals taken from the internet. There is a Gorilla, Rhino, Shark, Horse, and Bird. Can you tell which part is which?
This is a Full House. Down below is an empty room transformed into a decked out room. Tv, rug, and all living spaces items are in there. Want it? I'm sorry, it's digital!!